Title: Yeesh!
Summary: Losing his hair and biting a woman, Frank's career goes downhill. Even OJ laughs at his downtrodden life.
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Title: Mother Perkins
Summary: A very sad day for the world. Oddly enough, with the death of princess Diana, Mother Perkins' death goes unnoticed.
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Title: Frank Elvis
Summary: The golden years of FrankTv, when he had millions of screaming fans watching him work.
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Title: Frank Elvis2
Summary: This pic taken years after the supposed death of Frank Elvis. Also seen were Jimmy Hoffa and Jim Morrison
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Title: Tyra Perkins
Summary: Frank was always jealous of his sister. Perhaps it was the tan or the great body or maybe even the Got Milk spots
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Title: Frankarrazzi
Summary: Trying to earn some extra cash on the side, Frank turns to a life picture taking.. unaware of the major predictament that he would become involved in.
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