
Editorial: Thief Overview
Posted by Stilgar
It has been the general concensus that thieves are one
of the more challenging classes to play, but under the
"right" conditions, levelling a thief can become a
much less daunting task. These conditions depend on
your style of play and the resources available to you.
Often, this means levelling a mage or a barbarian on
the side in order to obtain equipment for your thief.
Having some basic knowledge of the mud, ie. knowing
which mobs to kill, goes a long way towards surviving
the harsh Isengardian environment. The following
document will outline some basic advice for the
beginning/intermediate player and dedicated to the
mavericks deviating from the norm in the quest for
greater personal rewards.
-The Challenge-
Part of the challenge of playing thief lies in the
fact that they do not have a whole lot of HP to work
with. To make matters worse, their casting (both
defensive and offensive) and hitting prowess are
rather limited. And up until level 7 or 8, thieves
often wonder whether "backstabbing" is one of their
abilities since they miss so often. Hence, for the
first few levels, forgo backstabbing and hit mobs to
build your sharp/thrust proficiency.
As with other classes, a set of good armor, weapon,
and a few wands helps to restore a thief's competitive
edge in gathering experience versus other classes of
similar level. To gain the upper hand, however,
involves a combination of persistence, skill, and
-The Reward-
Over the years, thieves have had the reputation of
being one of the shadier social classes in Isengard.
They receive the scorn of other classes who proudly
proclaim how their sacred crusades give testament to
justice and honor. Yet, despite their commonly
regarded outcast status, there is a certain lure that
attracts many newbie thieves, this is the lucrative
business known as stealing.
While stealing is unique to thieves, there are certain
limitations. It becomes progressively harder to steal
from mobs of levels higher than you and unsucessful
steals will make them attack you. You may only steal
from pledged players and lastly, you cannot steal from
your fellow thieves.
-Grouping options-
*with stunner
This is a popular choice for both thieves and
assassins because they allow them to cast and develop
their realms.
*with circler
Anybody can level anything with a circler, watch for
those failed circles to avoid getting hit by the mob.
*with stabbers
With a good number of high level stabbers, this party
can clear out most of the muds' mid level perms in the
least amount of time. Backstab and cast to kill the
mob before it has a chance to hit back.
-General tip on how to start a thief- by Abecedarian
There are a few things to think of when you make a
thief. Most players do not use their thieves as their
"main" character, so they choose their stats wisely
for the level they are aiming for. Once you have
chosen your stats, you can either have a higher level
friend who circles well and group with him or fly
solo. If you want to do it yourself you should gather
some equipment before you start, I would suggest using
elf or human. These is the minimum eq you should
have, which is not too hard to get.
giant hammer of thunder or better (such as galv sickle, mustafal daggers)
box of strawberries
8 wedding bands (40k)
ebonite codpiece
2 silver-nickle neckguards
+ whatever armor you can find.
Low ac will help a lot, but nothing helps as much for
low levels as a good weapon.
Primarily, you should go kill llamas and goats, if
they hit you, move south (don't flee, move). Wait
until you are full before going back. Before you know
it, you will have enough experience to gain level 2.
Repeat until you have achieved level 4. Stay away
from newbie-killers. If you do not feel confident,
keep doing these until you are level 5 or 6, now move
on to design students in Halfast hall. At level 6 you
can start backstabbing, I would not recommend
backstabing during levels 1-5 unless you have a good
reason to. Level 6 is a newbie-thief trap, many
thieves stop here because they feel that they cannot
do anything. Keep killing design studnets, Luistrin
(if lower ac than 3). If you have an ac of 0 or
better, take out Grant and Igor as well. And at level
6, go seek out shaman and do your hit, remove weapon,
flee combo a few times, (make an alias that does this
for you)
then tell someone that he is in so they can finish him
off. This also works for the Soul of Claudia.
There are of course better things to do, but they
require experience and skill, this simple solution
will get you to level 8 and it is suitable for anyone
who can get their hands on 60k gc and 2-3 decent